Welcome to
the St. Paul Valley
of the Scottish Rite
Scottish Rite Creed – Human progress is our cause, liberty of thought our supreme wish, freedom of conscience our mission, and the guarantee of equal rights to all people everywhere our ultimate goal.

"Masonic Light, like the light of the day at the close of the long night in the far northern climes, must come, not all in one flash, but by slow and imperceptible degrees."
Albert Pike
Freemasonry is not a secret society, but a revealer of secrets to those seeking LIGHT!

“I joined the Scottish Rite some years ago. Although I have seen our degrees many times over again, I still learn something new every time I see these degrees. If you are thinking of becoming a Scottish Rite Mason, the St. Paul Valley is a great choice to receive further light in Masonry!”
Leonard Smith 33° IGH
“I joined the Scottish Rite because I was intrigued by what I heard about the great lessons that are conveyed through drama and symbols in the degrees.”
Jerry Johnson 33° Grand Cross
"I am a 9th generation Mason and so joining Scottish Rite was part of who I am and where I come from."
R. Sean Gardiner 32° KCCH
Add your story with ours by becoming a Master of the Royal Secret
From the Grand Commander James Cole 33°

“Brothers who enter this Valley will be welcomed, enjoy the occasion, and leave motivated and energized – I know from experience!”
From the Sovereign Grand Inspector General Tony Krall 33°

“The Scottish Rite has always provided advanced education for Masons. I have found that my Blue Lodge experience is enhanced by the lessons and degrees of the Scottish Rite. Bonds formed in the Scottish Rite are enhanced because of the commonality of our purpose: to increase our search for light.”
From the Personal Representative Frank Spevak 33°

“I joined the Lodge for friendship and fellowship. I joined Scottish Rite to dig deeper into the meaning of Masonry. And the St. Paul Valley has been my home for more than 25 years for education and comradery.”
Calendar, upcoming events, meetings and degrees.
Valley News
Vol. 2 Issue 1 FOUNDATIONS Newsletter

A new quarterly publication that covers education and philanthropy published by the Scottish Rite Foundation of St. Paul.
Read the current issue.
Each week the St. Paul Valley sends out an electronic news blast with information from the past week as well as what is coming up in the next week or two.
To subscribe to the weekly news blast – email our secretary at secretary@stpaulsr.org

Rite Care -Our Philanthropy
The St. Paul Valley and its members support the Rite Care Foundation which provides no cost grants to pay for therapy to parents of children that suffer from speech and language disorders.
To learn more about the amazing work of Rite Care, or to apply for a grant, click here.
To donate to Rite Care, click here.